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Washington Timberlands

Washington has long provided a home for Green Diamond—from our corporate headquarters in Seattle to our extensive operations in Shelton.

Our Washington Timberlands are based in Shelton, Washington, where our leaders have a long legacy of supporting Mason County. The division covers an area of highly productive sustainable forest management, providing jobs that help drive economic growth and individual well-being in many rural communities.

These timberlands are third-party certified to Sustainable Forestry Initiative® standards, and the timberlands in Western Washington are managed under a groundbreaking Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The HCP protects 51 fish and wildlife species and was developed by working closely with regional stakeholders, such as state and federal agencies, conservation groups and tribes. We have also partnered with the Trust for Public Land to permanently prevent development by entering a conservation easement of over 20,000 acres of coastal forest near the southwestern end of Puget Sound.

Washington Timberlands

215 North Third Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-4733

Public Access

We allow free public access to most of our working lands in Washington and operate a Recreation Access Permit Program on a portion of our lands in Mason, Grays Harbor, Pacific, Thurston and Lewis counties. Learn more about our Recreation Access Permit Program.

Conservation Plans and Permits

Our Washington lands are home to one of our largest HCPs, which protects 51 wildlife, aquatic and riparian species over the course of 50 years. This HCP was the first to jointly address endangered species and water quality issues, effectively bridging the Endangered Species and Clean Water Acts. We also have important protections in place for the pacific fisher and northern spotted owl, and we follow the Washington Forest Practices Act and Rules for additional forest management and conservation guidelines. Learn more here.

Another way that we protect local water quality and wildlife is through a three-part conservation easement, which protects over 20,000 acres of coastal forest near the southwestern end of the Puget Sound. The easement—which we entered with the Trust for Public Land—guarantees that the land will never be developed. Under Green Diamond’s management, it will remain open for public access and continue to protect water quality and wildlife habitats.

Northwest (NW) Timberlands and Twin Creeks Timber (TCT)-Hope Creek HCP:

Covers 288,163 acres of NW Timberlands and 21,480 acres of TCT land to protect 51 species (30 aquatic and riparian species and 21 wildlife species) from 2000 through 2050. Conservation strategies include riparian and wetland prescriptions; road management; unstable slope prescriptions; harvesting prescriptions for rain-on-snow-prone areas; wildlife-specific prescriptions; and monitoring, reporting and adaptive management.

NW Timberlands and TCT Pacific Fisher Programmatic Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA):

Covers 290,585 acres of Green Diamond land and 72,293 acres of TCT land to protect the Pacific fisher from 2016 through 2036 (Green Diamond) and 2018 through 2042 (TCT) in collaboration with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Conservation strategies include providing access for WDFW personnel to conduct monitoring or reintroduce the fisher onto our property; protecting known occupied den sites with a 0.25-mile disturbance buffer; and covering structures that pose an entrapment risk to fishers.