Public Access
Oregon Timberlands
Access maps:
Other resources:
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Access and Habitat Program
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife public access information for hunters
Washington Timberlands
Access maps:
- Grays Harbor County
- Grays Harbor/Mason County
- East Mason County
- Columbia Basin Management Area
- 2022 Green Diamond Recreation Map: South
- 2022 Green Diamond Recreation Map: North
Resources for current permit holders:
- Application for new or additional 2024-2025 permits (for use September 1, 2024 - August 30, 2025)
- Mason Lake Recreation Area
- Additional access permit-holder-only materials
Other resources:
- Application for 2024-2025 permits (for use September 1, 2024 - August 30, 2025)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Program Rules and Regulations
- Columbia Basin Management Area FAQ
- Green Diamond Resource Company Privacy Policy
- Recent Alerts
Montana Timberlands
Access map and program information:
Southeast Timberlands
Recreational lease program information and login:
Responsible Forestry
California Timberlands
Internal evaluation reports:
- Response of Wildlife and Aquatic Resources to Even-Aged Management in Coastal Northern California
(Lowell Diller, Ph. D., July 2012) - Peer Review of: Response of Wildlife and Aquatic Resources to Even-Aged Management in Coastal Northern California
(Gary Roloff, Ph. D., Michigan State University, September 2013) - Vigorous Young-Stand Development on Green Diamond’s California Timberlands
(Dan Opalach, Ph. D., June 2012) - Review of Green Diamond Resource Company’s Timber Harvest Operations and Forest Management Activities as They Relate to the Rate of Harvest and Cumulative Watershed Effects (Matthew House, M.S.; Ryan Bourque, M.S.; David Lamphear, June 2012)
- California Forest Practice Rules (For elements not covered in our HCPs)
Management plans:
- Forest Management Plan
- Forest Management Waste Discharge Requirements
- Aquatic Habitat Conservation Plan (AHCP)
- Final Environmental Impact Statement for the AHCP
- Forest Habitat Conservation Plan
- Forest HCP Consistency Determination
- Safe Harbor Agreement for Humboldt Marten
- Master Agreement for Timber Operations
- Road Management Water Discharge Requirements (WDR) from Water Quality Control Board
Historical permits, plans and agreements:
- Northern Spotted Owl Habitat Conservation Plan (NSO HCP)
- Northern Spotted Owl HCP Consistency Determination
- Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Incidental Take Permit
Monitoring reports:
- Forest Habitat Conservation Plan Annual Report (Updated 03/2025)
- Marten Safe Harbor Agreement Annual Report (Updated 03/2025)
- Marten MOU Annual Report (Updated 03/2025)
- Annual Summary of High Conservation Value Areas Monitoring (Updated 03/2024)
- Summary of 4-Year Stocking Surveys (Updated 03/2025)
- Aquatic Habitat Conservation Plan Biennial Report (3/2023)
- Osprey Monitoring Report (Updated 03/2025)
- Annual Year-end Summary Report for the Botanical Survey Season (5/2024)
- Road Management Waste Discharge Requirement and Master Agreement for Timber Operations Annual Work Plan (5/2024)
- Road Management Waste Discharge Requirement and Master Agreement for Timber Operations Annual Work Report (5/2024)
- Four-year Master Agreement for Timber Operations (MATO) Status Report (3/2022)
- Elk River - Master Inventory of Sediment Sources and Road Related Sites After Completion of Treatment Annual Report (Updated 03/2024)
- Elk River - Water Quality Trend Monitoring Annual Report (Updated 03/2025)
- Elk River - Landslide Monitoring (12/2024)
- Pesticide Use Report (Updated 03/2025)
- 2024 Social & Economic Impacts Monitoring Reporting (03/2025)
- Bald Eagle Monitoring Report (03/2025)
Washington Timberlands
Information not covered in our Washington HCP:
Del Norte Salamander
- Diller, Lowell V. and Richard L. Wallace. 1994. Distribution and habitat of Plethodon elongatus on managed, young growth forests in north coastal California. Journal of Herpetology 28(3):310-318.
Dusky-Footed Woodrat
- Hamm, Keith A. 1995. Abundance of dusky-footed woodrats in managed forests of north coastal California. M.S. thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.
- Hamm, Keith A., Lowell V. Diller and David W. Kitchen. In press. Comparison of indexes for estimating abundance of dusky-footed woodrats. Wildlife Society Bulletin.
- Hamm, Keith A. and Lowell V. Diller. Effects of forest age and silviculture on the abundance of dusky-footed woodrats in coastal northern California. (Will be submitted to the Journal of Wildlife Management.)
Northern Spotted Owl
- Diller, Lowell V. and Darrin M. Thome. 1999. Population density of northern spotted owls in managed young-growth forests in coastal northern California. The Journal of Raptor Research 33(4):275-286.
- Thome, Darrin M., Cynthia J. Zabel and Lowell V. Diller. 1999. Forest stand characteristics and reproduction of northern spotted owls in managed north-coastal California forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(1):44-59.
- Thome, Darrin M., Cynthia J. Zabel and Lowell V. Diller. 2000. Spotted owl turnover and reproduction in managed forest of north-coastal California. Journal of Field Ornithology 71(1):140-146.
- Folliard, Lee B., Kerry P. Reese and Lowell V. Diller. 2000. Landscape characteristics of northern spotted owl nest sites in managed forests of northwestern California. The Journal of Raptor Research 34(2):75-84.
Pacific Fisher
- Klug, Richard R. 1997. Occurrence of Pacific fisher (Martes pennanti pacifica) in the Redwood Zone of northern California and the habitat attributes associated with their detections. M.S. thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.
- Hamm, Keith A., Lowell V. Diller, Richard R. Klug and Trent L. McDonald. Spatial independence of fisher detections at track plates in northwestern California. Submitted to: Wildlife Society Bulletin.
- Thomson, Joel L. (In progress) Abundance and density of fisher on managed timberlands in north coastal California M.S. thesis Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.
Red Tree Vole
- Thompson, Joel L. and Lowell V. Diller. 2002. Relative abundance and nest site characteristics, and nest dynamics of Sonoma Tree Voles of red tree voles in managed timberlands in coastal Northwest California. Northwestern Naturalist 83:91-100.
Southern Torrent Salamander
- Diller, Lowell V. and Richard L. Wallace. 1996. Distribution and habitat of Rhyacotriton variegatus on managed, young growth forests in north coastal California. Journal of Herpetology 30(2):184-191.
Tailed Frog
- Wallace, Richard L. and Lowell V. Diller. 1998. Length of the larval Cycle of Ascaphus truei in coastal streams of the Redwood Region, Northern California. Journal of Herpetology 32(3):404-409.
- Diller, Lowell V. and Richard L. Wallace. 1999. Distribution and habitat of Ascaphus truei in streams on managed, young growth forests in north coastal California. Journal of Herpetology 33(1):71-79.
Educational and Industry Links to Learn More
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Forestry and Natural Resources
- Cal Poly Humboldt University, Forestry and Wildland Resources Department
- Oregon Forest Resources Institute
- Oregon State University Forestry
- The Forest Foundation
- UC Berkeley – Center for Forestry
- University of Washington, CORRIM
- University of Washington, College of the Environment
- Working Forests Action Network
Conservation Organizations
- Conservation International
- Resources for the Future
- The Conservation Fund
- Trust for Public Land
- Western Rivers Conservancy
Associations/Professional Organizations
- American Forest & Paper Association
- American Tree Farm System
- California Forestry Association
- California Redwood Association
- National Alliance of Forest Owners
- Oregon Forest & Industries Council
- Society of American Foresters
- Washington Forest Protection Association
- American Tree Farm System
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative